Back ground. Car diac troponin I is a highly sen si tive and spe cific mark er for early de tec tion of myo car dial in jury. Whether it can be used to mon i tor myo car dial in jury af ter cor o nary in ter ven tion is un cer tain. This study was de signed to mea sure the car diac troponin I and creatine kinase (CK) af ter cor o nary in ter ven tion and in ves ti gate their clin i cal sig nif i cance. Methods. We mea sured car diac troponin I and CK lev els be fore in ter ven tion and 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours af ter ap par ently suc cess ful cor o nary in ter ven tion in 106 el i gi ble pa tients. Nine pa tients were ex cluded due to miss ing data. We also fol lowed up the clin i cal out come to re cord ma jor car diac events (MACE). Re sults. The fre quency of car diac troponin I in crease af ter cor o nary in ter ven tion was higher than that of CK in crease (40.2% vs 8.2%). The fre quency of car diac troponin I in crease in the stent group was sig nif i cantly higher than that in the PTCA group (49.2% vs 21.9%, p < 0.001). The fre quency of car diac troponin I in crease was also higher than that of CK in crease in pa tients with in-hospital events (58.8% vs 14.7%). Con clu sions. Car diac troponin I is more sen si tive than creatine kinase in de tect ing myo car dial in jury af ter cor o nary in ter ven tion. The in ci dence of car diac troponin I in crease is sig nif i cantly higher in pa tients un der go ing stenting than in pa tients treated with bal loon angioplasty only. The car diac troponin I in crease is more highly cor re lated with inhospital events than is creatine kinase. [Chin Med J (Tai pei) 2001;64:343-350]
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