UML Components: A Simple Process for Specifying Component-Based Software

Foreword. 1. Component Systems. Component Goals. Component Principles. Component Forms. Example: Microsoft Word. What a Component Isn't. Component and System Architectures. System Architectures. Component Architectures. Specifying Contracts. Usage Contracts. Realization Contracts. Interfaces versus Component Specifications. Model Levels. Summary. 2. The Development Process. Workflows. The Impact of the Management Process. The Evolution of Software Processes. Accommodating Change. Workflow Artifacts. The Specification Workflow. Component Identification. Component Interaction. Component Specification. Summary. 3. Applying UML. Why Do We Need This Chapter at All? Tools. Extending UML with Stereotypes. Precision, Accuracy, and Completeness. UML Modeling Techniques. Business Concept Model. Use Case Model. Use Case Diagrams. Use Case Descriptions. Use Case Instances. Inclusions, Extensions, and Variations. Business Type Model. Types. Structured Data Types. Interface Type. Invariants. Interface Specification. Interface Specification Package. Information Model. Operation Specification. Component Specification. Component Object Interaction. Specification, Not Implementation. Component Architectures. Summary. 4. Requirements Definition. Business Processes. Business Concept Model. System Envisioning. Use Cases. Actors and Roles. Use Case Identification. Use Case Descriptions. Quality of Service. Summary. 5. Component Identification. Identifying Interfaces. Identifying System Interfaces and Operations. Make a Reservation. Take Up Reservation. Identifying Business Interfaces. Create the Business Type Model. Refine the Business Type Model. Define Business Rules. Identify Core Types. Create Business Interfaces and Assign Responsibilities. Allocating Responsibility for Associations. Creating Initial Interface Specifications. Existing Interfaces and Systems. Component Specification Architecture. System Component Specifications. Business Component Specifications. An Initial Architecture. Summary. 6. Component Interaction. Discovering Business Operations. Some Simple Interactions. Breaking Dependencies. Maintaining Referential Integrity. Component Object Architecture. Controlling Intercomponent References. Completing the Picture. Refining the Interfaces. Factoring Interfaces and Operations. Summary. 7. Component Specification. Specifying Interfaces. Operation Specification. Interface Information Models. Pre- and Postconditions. A Systematic Process. From Business Type Model to Interface Information Model. Invariants. Snapshots. Exactly What Does a Postcondition Guarantee? Specifying System Interfaces. Business Rule Location. Specifying Components. Offered and Used Interfaces. Component Interaction Constraints. Inter-Interface Constraints. Factoring Interfaces. Summary. 8. Provisioning and Assembly. What Do We Mean by Target Technology? Components Realize Component Specifications. Realization Mappings and Restrictions. Operation Parameters. Error and Exception Handling Mechanisms. Interface Inheritance and Interface Support. Operation Sequence. Interface Properties. Object Creation. Raising Events. Application Architecture Correspondence. Business Components. Subcomponents. Integrating Existing Systems. Purchasing Components. Assembly. Summary. A Final Thought. References. Index. 0201708515T04062001