Dištančné vzdelávanie a e-learning v prípave študentov informatických odborov

Sucasne požiadavky spolocnosti v oblasti vzdelavania su postavene na vyssej kvalitativnej ale aj kvantitativnej urovni ako doteraz. Pocet žiadateľov o studium sa z roka na rok zvysuje. Ako najsť optimalne riesenie týchto požiadaviek? Najlepsou cestou sa ukazuje zacať využivať nove formy studia s využitim informacnej a komunikacnej techniky. Tento sposob je vsak narocný na personalne obsadenie a technicke vybavenie pracovisk, ktore takýto sposob v sucasnej dobe realizuju alebo sa o to pokusaju. Týmto smerom sa snažia riesiť problem veľkeho zaujmu studentov o informaticke vzdelanie aj katedry informatiky na Prirodovedeckých fakultach v Ostrave a v Nitre. Distancna forma s podporou e-learningu by mohla byť ciastocným riesenim nie vsak konecným východiskom. Resume Needs of society in field of education are nowadays based on higher level of quality and quantity comparing to the past. The number of applicants for the study is rising from year to year. How is it possible to find an optimal solution of this problem? As a both practical and logical solution seems to be exploiting of new teaching forms with application of new information and communication technologies. This kind of study is more complicating concerning staff occupation and special equipment of workplaces, which are trying to implicate new study forms into the practice. Departments of Computer Science at Faculties of Natural Sciences in Ostrava and Nitra are trying to solve the problem of high number of students of information technologies by this new approach. The distant form of study with e-learning support could be a particular but not final solution.