NASA radiation belt models AP-8 and AE-8

Abstract : Empirical models AP-8 and AE-8 for the trapped protons and electrons in the Earth's radiation belts are currently available from NSSDC. These are the culmination of a series of models developed by J.I. Vette and colleagues. The initial models were begun in the mid-sixties with the most recent model, AE-8, being released in 1980. These models are based on data ranging from 1958 to 1970. They have been well documented by TREND, a group working under a contract with ESA, contains some information on this model. The only models which are still available from NSSDC are the most recent proton and electron models AP-8 and AE-8. This document contains a brief summary of the modeling efforts to date based on information from Lemaire, Spjeldvik, and Rothwell. Results from AE8MAX, results from the models previously used at GL (AE6MAX + AEI7HI), and results from code provided by NSSDC are compared. Keywords: Radiation belts; Trapped particle models.