Launching WCMC

This is the first issue of the new journal Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. WCMC promises to bring its readers outstanding published work that will enrich their horizons in their areas of expertise related to all aspects of wireless systems. It also promises authors speedy publication under the guidance of an international Advisory Board and Editorial Board drawn from academia and industry. The objective and strategy of WCMC is to carry high calibre survey papers, and a rapid publication time with a strong focus on new trends, developments, emerging technologies and industrial standards. We realize that we have a long way to go in order to attain these goals and objectives, but we have already made an excellent start. We are very proud of the highly qualified individuals who have joined our Advisory and Editorial Boards. They represent an international panel of well-known experts from around the world. In addition, we have instituted three region editors, under the leadership of a Senior Editor, in order to minimize workloads and encourage speedy manuscript processing. We have already reached a wide range of audiences around the world who have submitted and/or are in the process of submitting manuscripts to WCMC. We at WCMC are aware of the number of fine publications already in this field and the tight competition to attract the best manuscripts. Nevertheless, we feel that WCMC will target a different pool of contributions. The focus of WCMC will be towards running more special issues on hot topics that describe industry projects/standards, publishing at least one review/tutorial paper in each issue, and bridging the gap between wireless communications and mobile computing. This fresh approach to international publication will enlarge the pool of quality publications, rather than draw from the existing pool. WCMC’s publication process will be fully electronic, administered by dedicated editors, which we firmly believe will contribute to a speedy review process and reduce the waiting time for authors. Finally, we would like to offer special thanks to all of those who have encouraged and contributed in the initial stages of this project, in particular the staff at John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. We also would like to thank those authors who have already sent their contributions to WCMC that you will read in this issue and in the next two issues. Furthermore, we welcome all authors and readers of WCMC and ask for their involvement and participation by submitting their manuscripts and welcome their personal subscriptions and that of their libraries. At the outset it was our priority to make sure both personal and institutional subscriptions to WCMC are affordable. For more details about the topics and how to make your electronic submission/subscription, we invite you to visit the WCMC web site at: