An investigation of blended learning experiences of first year Chinese transnational program students at an Australian university

The extensive uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) in higher education have reformed the traditional classroom-based study mode. Blended learning, the combination of online and offline learning methods, has become an essential teaching and learning strategy for both instructors and students. An increasing number of Chinese students choose to conduct their undergraduate study through China-Australia transnational programs. Due to the differences in teaching and learning styles between Chinese and Australian universities, the perceptions of transnational students on blended learning strategies may impact their study experience and the adaptation to a different environment. Although previous studies have investigated learning experiences and adaptation issues of Chinese students from various perspectives, limited studies have explored the perceptions of Chinese transnational program students on blended learning in their first-year Australian study. This study describes a series of preliminary qualitative findings of these students blended learning experiences, especially the online section, in an Australian university.