Weightage factor for criteria of design & construction for green highway

Construction industry were one of the major contributor towards the environmental effect such as climate changes. Beside this the government is committed to reduce the CO2 by 40 % in 2020. Construction is one of the major contributor on CO2 emission. Hence, there is a need to reduce the impact on environment. The aim of this paper is to explain the methodologies for the determination of weightage for criteria of design and construction activities. The methodology processes begin with data collection by using questionnaires distribution the expertise who involve in highway development and green issues. There were 22 concessionaires with 140 respondents had been chosen to fill in the questionnaires. The data had been analysed using SPSS with factors analysis method. Results from the analysis show the weightage of each criterion were used to rank the criteria based on importance of the criteria in design and construction activities of highways. The result showed that the construction management had the highest weightage and follow by other 6 criteria.