자동변속기용 압력제어 밸브의 설계와 해석에 관한 연구

Lately, the high performance solenoid valve is adopted to hydrnulic control system for hydrnulic pressure control in automatic trasmission. But it is difficult to obtain the pressure control performance that reflects the performance of solenoid valve characteristic sufficiently from conventionaal valve and the redesign is needed for the better hydrnulic control System. This paper proposes process of the pressure control valve design that is based on the pressure control characteristic of solenoid valve. And the characteristic of designed pressure control valve is confirmed by simulation program analytically. As a result, it is possible to save time and effort for development in early stage and to reduce a test step efficiently. FinalIy, pressure control characteristic of valve that is designed with proposed design process in this study compared with experiment result. And it shows that the experimentaI result satisfies a design target considerrably with good agreement.