The global picture of the atmospheric composition provided by MIPAS on Envisat

The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) is a mid-infrared emission spectrometer which is part of the core payload of the Envisat satellite, launched by ESA in March 2002. It provides unique observations of the atmospheric spectral radiances in the 4.15 - 14.6 μm spectral interval with innovative limb scanning capabilities for the three dimensional observation of the atmospheric composition and processes. The species, the processes and events that have been studied with this instrument in its 10 years of operation are briefly reviewed.

[1]  P. Raspollini,et al.  IASI-METOP and MIPAS-ENVISAT data fusion , 2010 .

[2]  Heavy ozone enrichments from MIPAS limb emission spectra , 2009 .

[3]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Global distribution and variability of formic acid as observed by MIPAS-ENVISAT , 2010 .

[4]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Measurements of polar mesospheric clouds in infrared emission by MIPAS/ENVISAT , 2009 .

[5]  Manuel López-Puertas,et al.  MIPAS level 2 operational analysis , 2006 .

[6]  P. Massoli,et al.  MIPAS detects Antarctic stratospheric belt of NAT PSCs caused by mountain waves , 2005 .

[7]  M. Kiefer,et al.  Tropical dehydration processes constrained by the seasonality of stratospheric deuterated water , 2010 .

[8]  MIPAS Level 1B algorithms overview: operational processing and characterization , 2006 .

[9]  E. Castelli,et al.  Total depletion of ozone reached in the 2010–2011 Arctic winter as observed by MIPAS/ENVISAT using a 2-D tomographic approach , 2011 .

[10]  M. Ridolfi,et al.  Rigorous determination of stratospheric water vapor trends from MIPAS observations. , 2011, Optics express.

[11]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Experimental evidence of perturbed odd hydrogen and chlorine chemistry after the October 2003 solar proton events , 2005 .

[12]  A. Dudhia,et al.  Cloud detection for MIPAS using singular vector decomposition , 2009 .

[13]  T. Clarmann,et al.  MIPAS: an instrument for atmospheric and climate research , 2007 .

[14]  Manuel López-Puertas,et al.  Global observations of thermospheric temperature and nitric oxide from MIPAS spectra at 5.3 μm , 2011 .

[15]  M. Kiefer,et al.  Retrieval of temperature and tangent altitude pointing from limb emission spectra recorded from space by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) , 2003 .

[16]  S. Massie,et al.  MIPAS detection of cloud and aerosol particle occurrence in the UTLS with comparison to HIRDLS and CALIOP , 2012 .

[17]  T. Clarmann,et al.  MIPAS measurements of upper tropospheric C2H6 and O3 during the southern hemispheric biomass burning season in 2003 , 2007 .

[18]  M. Ridolfi,et al.  Retrieval of atmospheric H15NO3/H14NO3 isotope ratio profile from MIPAS/ENVISAT limb‐scanning measurements , 2009 .

[19]  M. Höpfner,et al.  GRANADA: A Generic RAdiative traNsfer AnD non-LTE population algorithm , 2012 .

[20]  J. J. Remedios,et al.  Seasonality of Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using the MIPAS-E instrument , 2009 .

[21]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Observation of NO(x) Enhancement and Ozone Depletion in the Northern and Southern hemispheres after the October-November 2003 Solar Proton Events , 2005 .

[22]  Manuel López-Puertas,et al.  On the quality of MIPAS kinetic temperature in the middle atmosphere , 2011 .

[23]  M. Ridolfi,et al.  Technical Note: Variance-covariance matrix and averaging kernels for the Levenberg-Marquardt solution of the retrieval of atmospheric vertical profiles , 2009 .

[24]  Marco Prevedelli,et al.  GMTR: two-dimensional geo-fit multitarget retrieval model for michelson interferometer for passive atmospheric sounding/environmental satellite observations. , 2006, Applied optics.

[25]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Retrieval of stratospheric and mesospheric O3 from high resolution MIPAS spectra at 15 and 10 μm , 2005 .

[26]  Sergio Gil-Lopez,et al.  Downward transport of upper atmospheric NOx into the polar stratosphere and lower mesosphere during the Antarctic 2003 and Arctic 2002/2003 winters , 2005 .

[27]  J. Remedios,et al.  Colour indices for the detection and differentiation of cloud types in infra-red limb emission spectra , 2004 .

[28]  G. Martin,et al.  Evaluating the East Asian monsoon simulation in climate models , 2011 .

[29]  M. Ridolfi,et al.  Retrieving cloud geometrical extents from MIPAS/ENVISAT measurements with a 2-D tomographic approach. , 2011, Optics express.

[30]  S. Ceccherini Analytical determination of the regularization parameter in the retrieval of atmospheric vertical profiles. , 2005, Optics letters.

[31]  Manuel López-Puertas,et al.  Carbon monoxide distributions from the upper troposphere to the mesosphere inferred from 4.7 μm non-local thermal equilibrium emissions measured by MIPAS on Envisat , 2008 .

[32]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Stratospheric BrONO 2 observed by MIPAS , 2008 .

[33]  F. Haenel,et al.  Observed temporal evolution of global mean age of stratospheric air for the 2002 to 2010 period , 2011 .

[34]  Clive D Rodgers,et al.  Microwindow selection for high-spectral-resolution sounders. , 2002, Applied optics.

[35]  T. Clarmann,et al.  Large-scale upper tropospheric pollution observed by MIPAS HCN and C 2 H 6 global distributions , 2009 .

[36]  Michael T. Kiefer,et al.  Eight years of MIPAS measurements , 2010 .

[37]  M. Kiefer,et al.  Global peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) retrieval in the upper troposphere from limb emission spectra of the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) , 2007 .

[38]  M. Kiefer,et al.  NOy from Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding on Environmental Satellite during the Southern Hemisphere polar vortex split in September/October 2002 , 2005 .