SpecLab - Phase I
Abstract : This Phase I Strategic Technology Transfer Report (STTR) final report summarizes the development of a prototype interactive software environment, SpecLab, for analyzing non-stationary processes that admit local power-law representations. Standard spectral analysis procedures assume stationarity, whereas most naturally occuring processes admit random departures from strict stationarity. SpecLab estimates and synthesizes the non-stationary process by allowing both the power-law parameters and the power-law scale range to vary over a data segmentation chosen interactively by the user. The SpecLab procedures are accessible via a graphical user interface that guides the user through the steps involved in selecting data segmentations and executing the estimation procedures. In its final form SpecLab will provides efficient user access to leading-edge analysis procedures for non-stationary processes. SpecLab is also configured to provide reproducible research that would ordinarily be available only as text, equations, and graphs.