Ensuring Quality of Service for Multimedia Applications in a LAN E nv i r o 11 nie nt

We present a mechanzsm for dynamzcally allocatang network resources zn asynchronous LANs for supporizng nt ulizmedza applzcatzons that requzre qualzfy of seiirzce guarantee The approach IS based on the concept of Time Dziwzon Multzple Access (TDMA) It uses a centralazed controller as the bandwzdth manager The total bandwzdth zs partztzoned znto two segments, one 1s used for servzng mulfzmedza connectzons and the other for the normal CSMA/CD sesszons Experzmental rfsiilts reveal that the performance of the proposed scheme zs substantzally better than that of the random access mechanzsm In partzcdar, transmzsszon rates for m dtzmedza hosts are zmprotled szgnzficantly wzth loti jitter tiarzatzons zn medza streams