[가솔린엔진부문] 광촉매 반응기의 실차 적용을 위한 기초 연구

Current vehicle exhaust aftertreatment systems using mostly three way catalysts require a long light-off time, resulting in such a low conversion efficiency during cold start that these systems are very difficult to comply with the most stringent future emission regulations. As a promising alternative to overcome this shortcoming, a photocatalytic system Il3s been recently developed. In this study, thermal conversion efficiency and electric cll3racteristics of a photocatalytic reactor as a function of light exposure time Il3ve been investigated. For this purpose, chosen are two different types of photocatalyst and additive catalyst which have been developed with photocatalytic reactivity and mechanical and chemical durability taken into consideration. These two catalysts are mixed with highly optimized ratios, coated on a honeycomb monolith substrate, and thermal conversion efficiency has been measured on an engine test bench. Also, plasma generation, electric power consumption. UV light intensity variation with a function of light exposure time