Contours of equal perceived amplitude and equal perceived frequency for electrocutaneous stimuli.
Previous measurements of equal-sensation contours for electrocutaneous stimuli consisting of repeated bursts of biphasic pulses have shown that stimulus frequency has little effect on perceived amplitude, and that stimulus amplitude has no effect on perceived frequency. These earlier contours, however, were measured over a very restricted range of amplitude and frequency or for a single perceived amplitude or perceived frequency. Contours of equal perceived amplitude and equal perceived frequency were measured in the present study for stimuli covering most of the useable range of amplitudes and frequencies: 3-12 dB SL and 4-64 Hz. Eight naïve subjects generated contours of equal perceived amplitude at four reference amplitudes via Békésy tracking, and 8 additional subjects generated contours of equal perceived frequency at three reference frequencies. The contours of equal perceived amplitude declined slightly but significantly with increases in stimulus frequency, consistent with previous results. The shape of the contours was also slightly dependent on the amplitude of the reference stimulus. Contours of equal perceived frequency were unaffected by stimulus amplitude on the average, but the contour shape did vary modestly, though erratically, with reference frequency.