Urban storm drainage : selected proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, held in Niagara Falls, Canada, 12-17 September 1993

Part 1 Summary: urban drainage - review of contemporary approaches, J. Marsalek and D. Sztruhar. Part 2 Rainfall data for urban drainage design: a continuous simulation approach to design storm calibration, C. Cao et al analysis of the rain phenomenon at fine spatial scale, J.E. Paturel and B. Chocat. Part 3 Hydraulic transport in drainage networks: is hydraulics over-used or under-used in storm drainage?, B.C. Yen. Part 4 Characterization of stormwater, combined sewage and sewer sediment: chemodynamics of trace pollutants during roof and street runoff, R. Herrmann et al influence of the cross-section on the erosion criteria for partly cohesive sediments, H. Torfs et al. Part 5 Modelling of stormwater runoff - inputs, quantity and quality: estimations for percentage of impervious area by the use of satellite remote sensing imagery, C. Deguchi and S. Sugio prediction of suspended solids in urban sewers by transfer function model, J.W. Delleur and Y. Gyasi-Agyei. Part 6 Urban drainage impacts on receiving waters and ground water: causal stochastic simulation of dissolved oxygen depletion in rivers receiving combined sewer overflows, K. Schaarup-Jensen and T. Hvitved-Jacobsen receiving water protection during wet weather, V. Krejci et al. Part 7 Management and control of urban stormwater: urban stormwater infiltration perspectives, G. Geldof et al alternative urban drainage concept and design, D. Grotehusmann et al sewer system for improving flood control in Tokyo - a step towards a return period of 70 years, K. Higuchi et al comprehensive stormwater pond monitoring, W.E. Watt and J. Marsalek. Part 8 Control and treatment of combined sewer overflows (CSOs): flood and CSO control tanks - the experience in the city of Nagoya, T. Ochi operational experience with vortex solids separators for combined sewer overflow (CSO) control, W.C. Pisano and H. Brombach transfer function modelling of urban drainage systems, and potential uses in real-time control applications, A.G. Capodaglio. Part 9 Computer programs for design and operation for drainage systems: urban drainage modelling intelligent assistant, S. Griffin et al. Part 10 Programs and regulations for mitigating urban drainage pollution: overview of federal law and USEPA regulations for urban runoff, L.A. Roesner and P. Traina.