This article reports the results of a limited trial on the academic competence of students in chemical education. This limited trial also measured the level of student confidence and the truth of chemical concepts from a sample of 24 class 2014 chemistry education students who would and were taking thesis data. Chemical education students are asked to work on 11 chemistry competency questions in multiple choices from with 5 answer choices. After that students are also asked to give reasons and determine the level of confidence in the chosen answer option. From the results of the level of confidence and the truth of the chemical concepts owned by students of chemical education, it can be obtained data about the profile of student misconceptions. A total of 9 students were able to work on the problem as much as 6 or more with the right answer. There are 2 out of 24 students having a misconception rate of more than 50 percent and there are 5 out of 24 students who know the concept. Keywords— profile, competence, confidence, misconception
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