A Study on Improvement of Contents Classification System in Wireless Internet
Every CP has its own contents classification system for charging. Currently most classification system is based on the CPID and Service ID of the WAP. An service ID from a common CPID pool is provided to CP for each service. Then charges are computed for each service ID. But in this system CPID range must be changed whenever the CP adds a new service. Therefore all CPIDs of the existing services must be updated. Another problem is that when a CP provides several services, it has multiple CPIDS. Therefore with increasing number of services CPID would be exhausted in the future. In this paper, we proposes a new contents ,classification system. We remove CPID range and instead we propose a new CPID composed of a system n, service classification ID and a serial number. The new CPID is assigned to each service. By this scheme we improve the contents classification system.