Twitter user profiling based on text and community mining for market analysis

This paper proposes demographic estimation algorithms for profiling Twitter users, based on their tweets and community relationships. Many people post their opinions via social media services such as Twitter. This huge volume of opinions, expressed in real time, has great appeal as a novel marketing application. When automatically extracting these opinions, it is desirable to be able to discriminate discrimination based on user demographics, because the ratio of positive and negative opinions differs depending on demographics such as age, gender, and residence area, all of which are essential for market analysis. In this paper, we propose a hybrid text-based and community-based method for the demographic estimation of Twitter users, where these demographics are estimated by tracking the tweet history and clustering of followers/followees. Our experimental results from 100,000 Twitter users show that the proposed hybrid method improves the accuracy of the text-based method. The proposed method is applicable to various user demographics and is suitable even for users who only tweet infrequently.

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