Epoch-based Commit and Replication in Distributed OLTP Databases

Many modern data-oriented applications are built on top of distributed OLTP databases for both scalability and high availability. Such distributed databases enforce atomicity, durability, and consistency through two-phase commit (2PC) and synchronous replication at the granularity of every single transaction. In this paper, we present COCO, a new distributed OLTP database that supports epoch-based commit and replication. The key idea behind COCO is that it separates transactions into epochs and treats a whole epoch of transactions as the commit unit. In this way, the overhead of 2PC and synchronous replication is significantly reduced. We support two variants of optimistic concurrency control (OCC) using physical time and logical time with various optimizations, which are enabled by the epoch-based execution. Our evaluation on two popular benchmarks (YCSB and TPC-C) show that COCO outperforms systems with fine-grained 2PC and synchronous replication by up to a factor of four. PVLDB Reference Format: Yi Lu, Xiangyao Yu, Lei Cao, and Samuel Madden. Epoch-based Commit and Replication in Distributed OLTP Databases. PVLDB, 14(5): 743 756,

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