The objective of this study was to conduct a thorough accounting of energy used to transport liquid pig manure from farm storage to the field and to surface-apply the manure. Energy consumption was determined using both energy data from the literature plus data from field-scale research. Energy consumption was compared between two manure application systems (the drag hose and the slurry wagon systems) and two application timing treatments (single vs. twice-annual manure application). The single annual application of liquid pig manure applied at 81.5 m3 ha-1 and transported 1.8 km from storage to field consumed 2180 mJ ha-1 with the drag hose system and 2185 mJ ha-1 with the slurry wagon system. The twice-annual manure application regime used 2726 and 2209 mJ ha-1 for the drag hose and slurry wagon systems, respectively. When energy use was calculated on the basis of MJ per kg of available N, liquid pig manure applied once annually with the slurry wagon system provided N at 17.76 mJ kg-1 of available N, which was 33% of the energy cost of N from anhydrous ammonia and 23% of the energy cost of N from urea. Manure transport distance could be increased to 8.4 km before the energy cost per kg of available N from pig manure was equivalent to anhydrous ammonia, and up to 12.3 km before the energy cost of manure N was equivalent to urea N. Despite the high energy cost to deliver liquid pig manure from storage to field, the much lower cost per kg of available N compared to inorganic fertilizer N highlights the opportunities that exist for improving the energy efficiency of industrial agriculture by replacing inorganic fertilizers with manure.
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