Generation of comprehensive longitudinal aerodynamic data using dynamic wind-tunnel simulation

This paper presents a novel method of13; generating comprehensive Longitudinal13; aerodynamic data of aircraft using dynamic wind13; tunnel simulation. The method combines13; measurement of motion and force responses of13; aircraft model to control inputs in dynamic wind13; tunnel simulation. The data generated includes trim13; Lift characteristics, Longitudinal stability derivatives13; and neutral point. In addition, large amplitude Lift13; and pitching moment responses charactensing the13; unsteady aerodynarmc behawour can also be13; generated.13; The method is demonstrated using a13; generic delta wing aircraft model with one degree of13; freedom in pitch flown in a low speed dynamic13; wind tunnel. The model pitch attitude and Lift13; responses to elevon inputs are measured and used to13; deduce longitudinal aerodynamic data. Comparison13; of these results with static test data and Datcom13; estimates show good agreement.