Flicker responses of different lamp types

Nowadays, more and more lamp types are being used. Since different lamp types have different working principles, they also have different flicker responses. This paper shows the measurement results of different flicker responses for various types of lamps. These results prove that the UIE/IEC flickermeter, which has been used widely around the world for many years, cannot be used to advise on the flicker level of all lamp types. This is because of the fact that this flickermeter is based on a 230 V, 60 W or 120 V, 60 W incandescent lamp and can be used as reference only for this type of lamp or as reference to the standard. The UIE/IEC (International Union for Electricity Applications/International Electrotechnical Committee) flickermeter and the existing standards are therefore insufficient for other lamp types. This paper describes a proposal to improve the UIE/IEC flickermeter.