High-Precision Single-Molecule Identification Based on Single-Molecule Information within a Noisy Matrix

When conducting a single-molecule measurement, data are analyzed using the histogram of a measured physical quantity in which a single dataset contains information about a specific single molecule. Oftentimes, the histogram consisting of only specific single-molecule information excludes the input from other information sources. In other words, despite measuring the single molecule during analysis, we miss many of the properties of that single molecule. Herein, we have successfully identified a single molecule with a high degree of precision via a one-electric current pulse method using machine learning to read the single-molecule information. With the use of positive unlabeled classification, which is one of the techniques used in machine learning, we have developed a method for discerning a single molecule from a background of electric noises by analyzing the electric noises produced at the nanoscale level. In this method, we have demonstrated that the 2-, 3-, and 4-type nucleotides could be identified ...