This research was accomplished in the Center of Agricultural Research of the Semi-Arid Tropics (Embrapa Semi-Arid), with objective to obtain the hydraulic characteristics of the microsprinkler Rain-Bird QN-14. The coefficient of variation of manufacture was of 0,7%, which according to the ABNT standards is classified as good. The characteristic equation, Q = 45,63H0,4866, was adjusted through linear regression, with a coefficient of determination (r2) equal to 0,9998. The emitter presented a mean intensity of precipitation of 1,64 mm.h-1 along the radius. The precipitation intensity at 1,00 m distance from the emitter was 10% inferior to the mean and the effective radius was limited between 1,00 and 3,00 m of distance from the emitter. The coefficient of the uniformity of Christiansen, in absence of wind, was of the order of15,43%, without, however, taking in to consideration the effective radius.