This research was accomplished in the Center of Agricultural Research of the Semi-Arid Tropics (Embrapa Semi-Arid), with objective to obtain the hydraulic characteristics of the microsprinkler Rain-Bird QN-14. The coefficient of variation of manufacture was of 0,7%, which according to the ABNT standards is classified as good. The characteristic equation, Q = 45,63H0,4866, was adjusted through linear regression, with a coefficient of determination (r2) equal to 0,9998. The emitter presented a mean intensity of precipitation of 1,64 mm.h-1 along the radius. The precipitation intensity at 1,00 m distance from the emitter was 10% inferior to the mean and the effective radius was limited between 1,00 and 3,00 m of distance from the emitter. The coefficient of the uniformity of Christiansen, in absence of wind, was of the order of15,43%, without, however, taking in to consideration the effective radius.
Ken Solomon,et al.
Trickle Irrigation Uniformity and Efficiency
David Karmeli,et al.
Trickle irrigation design parameters.
D. Karmeli,et al.
Classification and flow regime analysis of drippers
Vincent F. Bralts,et al.
Manufacturing Variation and Drip Irrigation Uniformity
Ken Solomon,et al.
Manufacturing Variation of Trickle Emitters
Stephen W. Smith,et al.
Irrigation with Aerosol Emitters