A randomized pilot test of “moms on the move”: A physical activity intervention for WIC mothers

Background: Sedentary mothers are important to reach with physical activity promotion.Purpose: This study pilot tested “Moms on the Move” a Transtheoretical Model (TTM)-derived physical activity (PA) intervention for low-income mothers enrolled in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Method: Sedentary mothers (N = 44) were randomized to (a) Moms on the Move (PA intervention) or (b) counseling on self-breast examination (control). Pre- and posttest measurement (baseline and 2 weeks after the 8-weekinterventions) included (a) stage of PA behavior change, (b) PA behavior, (c) selected TTM constructs, and (d) social support. Pre- and posidifference scores, chi-square, and one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used.Results: The experimental group progressed in stage of change more than control, x2(1, N = 44)=20.50, p < .001. The experimental group had greater PA behavior: weekly minutes of PA, F(l, 42) = 46.85, p< .001; daily energy expenditure (EE), F(1, 42) = 23.01,p < .001; and weekly moderate PA EE, F(1, 42) = 32.63, p < .001. Experimental subgroup (n = 11) step counts increased pre-post, t(l 0)=6.16,p7lt;. 001. AnANOVA showed that the experimental group had greater improvements in all TTM constructs and social support, ps < .001.Conclusions: WIC mothers are at risk for sedentary living and have not been targeted for PA behavior change using a provider-counseled approach. Although further testing is needed, Moms on the Move appears to be efficacious.

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