Extending the Life Cycle of Under-Utilized Urban Scrap Through Sustainable Design Approach

The desire of urban population to acquire better products has lead to under utilization of in-use products and household goods like clothes, shoes, bags, etc, which finally turn into a usable waste. At one end, disposal of such scrap with incomplete product life cycle is now becoming a herculean task for the urban local bodies in India and on the other; there is a large population that is actually in need of these roducts to meet their basic requirements. The first part of paper examines the initiatives taken by some enterprises in India to bridge the gap between the two ends through sustainable design approach. The second part of the paper will be a critical appraisal of modus operandi of the present system being followed by the enterprises for the purpose.The paper, after discussing the challenges and opportunities for such organizations, will finally, concludes with some suggestions to make the system more effective and donor friendly through innovative use of the available technologies