채널 유동장 내에 배열된 전자부품의 강제대류 냉각 특성에 관한 연구(I) - 채널과 발열부품의 높이 비(H/B)의 영향(히트싱크가 부착되지 않은 경우) -

Present study is concerned with an experimental study on the cooling characteristics of heat-generating components arranged in channels which are made by printed circuit boards. To assess the thermal performance of the heat-generating components arranged by 5×11 in flow channel, three variables are used: the velocity of the fluid at the entrance, the height of channel, and row number of the component. The cooling characteristics of the heat-generating components such as the surface temperature rise, the adiabatic temperature rise, the adiabatic heat transfer coefficient, and the effect of thermal wake are compared with the result of the experiment and the numerical analysis. Based on the experiment analysis, some conclusions can be drawn: First of all, the experiment and numerical analysis are identical comparatively; the heat transfer coefficient increases as H/B decreases. However, when H/B is over 7.2, the effect of H/B is rather trivial. The effect is the biggest at the first component from the entrance, and it decreases until the fully developed flow, where it becomes very consistent. The thermal wake function calculated for each row decreases as H/B increases.