Chemotherapy and Biotherapy: Guidelines and Recommendations for Practice

and Recommendations for Practice This best-selling resource is used by more than 72,000 healthcare professionals. Featured are sections detailing principles of antineoplastic therapy, cancer therapy goals and response, fundamentals of administration, pretreatment, treatment and post-treatment care, side effects of cancer therapy, immediate complications of cytotoxic therapy and more. Also included are treatment schedules, including dose category and determination, and much, much more. An Evidence-Based Approach to Treatment and Care of Older Adults with Cancer A comprehensive overview of the treatment and care of the older adult with cancer. The evidence-based practice approach is timely and provides the foundation for nursing practice that is the expected standard of care. The use of the case study at the end of each chapter assists the reader in the synthesis and application of the information. Addresses the care and treatment of not only the cancer patient, but also the family.