The effect of canard and vertical tails on the aerodynamic characteristics of a model with a 59 deg sweptback wing at a Mach number of 0.30

An investigation has been conducted to determine the effects of canard, canard location, vertical tails, and vertical-tail location on the aerodynamic characteristics of a model having a 59 deg sweptback wing. The investigation was conducted at a Mach number of 0.30, at angles of attack up to 22 deg and at sideslip angles of 0 deg and plus or minus 5 deg. The results of the study indicate that adding the canard to the model had only a slight effect on the lift at the lower angles of attack. At the higher angles of attack there is a significant effect of canard height on lift, canard in the high location (above the wing chord plane) resulting in the highest lifts. The lift drag characteristics are predicted well for the configuration with the mid or high canard locations by combining a potential flow solution on the canard with a potential plus vortex solution on the wing. Variations in the height significantly affect the pitching-moment characteristics of the configuration; the configuration with the low or mid canard location exhibits an increase in stability at the higher lift coefficients, whereas the configuration with the high canard exhibits pitch-up. Adding the vertical tails in the outboard location caused a significant loss in lift at the higher angles of attack; this lift loss was eliminated by moving the vertical tails inboard.