Smart Door Monitoring and Locking System using SIM900 GSM Shield and Arduino UNO

The problem with the safety of people’s belongings at home is among some of the most important security problems to solve. One way of knowing that a house is safe is the door because when the door is locked, the house is safe. Hence, an attempt has been made here to develop a smart door that monitors the door state, sends an SMS to the owner when someone opens the door without unlocking it, the door can be locked and unlocked by sending an SMS from a mobile phone. One more feature is a lamp that can be switched on and off and will switch on when the door is unlocked and switch off when the door is locked. This system comprises an Arduino UNO, GSM Technology and other electronics components. The system has been successfully developed, implemented and tested in the laboratory and the result shows that it works as intended. This system is suitable for all kinds of houses and has been designed to be very economical so that it can be afforded by all. Keywords— Arduino Uno; SIM900 GSM; Smart Door; SMS