National report from the pilot test of Case application 9, Improvement of Lighting Systems (tertiary sector) and Case application 17, Energy Performance Contracting.
The objective of the EMEEES project is to assist the European Commission in developing harmonised evaluation methods. It aims to design methods to evaluate the measures implemented to achieve the 9% energy savings target set out in the EU Directive (2006/32/EC) (ESD) on energy end-use efficiency and energy services. The assistance by the project and its partners is delivered through practical advice, technical support and results. It includes the development of concrete methods for the evaluation of single programmes, services and measures (mostly bottom-up), as well as schemes for monitoring the overall impact of all measures implemented in a Member State (combination of bottom-up and top-down). This report present the pilot tests of Case application 9, Improvement of Lighting Systems (tertiary sector) and Case application 17, Energy Performance Contracting. The pilot tests are performed under the Swedish Investment Support for Energy Efficiency Improvements and Conversion to Renewable Energy Sources in Public Non-residential Buildings (OffROT) (Less)