Self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments in Europe: facilitators and barriers to future development

The substance of these collective reports concerns our understanding and conceptualization of self regulated learning and the role of digital technologies, specifically Technology Enhanced Learning Environments or TELEs, in supporting learner self-regulation. The contributions here present a rich picture of the activity in the European countries participating in this review but they are necessarily a snapshot of a rapidly evolving field. The founding premise, espoused in the introductory chapters by Beishuizen and Steffens, is that learner self-regulation is beneficial in that it leads to more effective, embedded learning. Of equal import is the view that TELEs can provide supportive environments which encourage self-regulation. The focus on selfregulation and TELEs is not an arbitrary one. These seemingly disparate concepts epitomise two current trends in education, the move to learner-centred learning and the growing reliance on technology based learning.