Exact Path Delay Fault Coverage with Fundamental Zero-Suppressed BDD Operations

1 2 We formulate the path delay fault grading problem as a combinatorial problem that amounts to storing and manipulating sets on a special type of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD), called zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZBDD). The zero-suppressed BDD is a canonical data structure inherently having the property of representing combinational sets very compactly. A simple modification of the basic scheme allows us to increase significantly the storage capability of the data structure with minimal loss in the fault coverage. Experimental results on the ISCAS’85 benchmarks show considerable improvement over all existing techniques for exact PDF grading. The proposed methodology is simple, it consists of a polynomial number of increasingly efficient ZBDD based operations and can handle very large test sets that grade very large number of faults. 1Preliminary results of this work was presented at the International Test Conference, 2001. 2Research supported by NSF grant CCR 0096119.

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