Book Review: Phase-Locked Loops — principles and practice
and post-compensation. These are well summarised, with 139 references for readers to pursue any topic further. The tenth and final chapter concerns soliton-based communications beginning with the soliton physics and progressing to a very substantial treatment of soliton-based communication systems. This chapter has been greatly expanded to reflect the research effort that has occurred in this area since the first edition. The number of pages has been more than doubled and the references have grown in proportion to number in excess of two hundred. A section discussing the fundamentals of soliton-based transmission covers, inter alia, the transmission of information using solitons, methods for soliton generation and soliton amplification. Soliton system design is tackled via the average soliton approach, with subsequent discussion of jitter and experimental progress. The final two sections extend the coverage to high capacity and WDM soliton systems. There is a selection of problems at the end of each chapter but no solutions are provided. Although the inclusion of full worked answers is not perhaps appropriate to a mainly graduate level text, the addition of numerical answers would be helpful. For those in possession of the first edition, I think the balance just tips in favour of a purchase unless funds are very short. Other readers searching for a wide ranging and up to date view of fibre-optic communication systems would do well to purchase this book. MARK LEESON Department oj Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University