건물일체형 태양광발전시스템(BIPV)의 설치조건에 따른 발전특성 연구
This study has analysed power output characteristics of transparent thin-film PV module depending on incidence angle and azimuth. The simulation results was evaluated power outputs of transparent thin-film PV module depending on incidence angle and azimuth after calibrating the experimental and computed data. As a result, the best power output performance of transparent thin-film PV module was obtained at slope of 30? to the south, producing the annual power output of 977kWh/kWp. The annual power output data demonstrated that the PV module with a slope of 30? could produce a 68 % higher power output than that with a slope of 90?, with respect to the inclined slope of the module. Furthermore, the PV module facing south showed a 22 % higher power output than that facing to the east in terms of the angle of the azimuth.