[The diagnostic value of echocardiography in coronary artery disease--1. M-mode echocardiogrpahy (author's transl)].

The hallmarks of coronary artery disease are wall motion abnormalities. If the disturbances of wall motion are located in the septum and the posterior wall near the basis of the heart, they can be detected by M-mode echocardiography. Isolated asynergies of the left ventricle in the anterior wall and the apex of the heart are missed. The amplitude, the change in wall thickness during contraction, and the velocity of wall motion can be analysed for quantitative evaluation of regional function. Only pathological findings can be used for diagnostic purposes. Stress-tests increase the sensitivity of the method. Left ventricular volume determinations are not possible in patients with coronary artery disease by M-mode echocardiography because of methodical problems. Only left ventricular dimensions and fractional shortening should be measured. An altered closure of the mitral valve reflects a significant increase in left ventricular filling pressure.