ANSYS와 CFX를 이용한 방풍벽의 구조 안전성 분석

This study was carried out to evaluate the structural safety for both the attached wind-protect-ing wall in greenhouse and the detached one installed outside. Regarding the attached wind-protecting wall in greenhouse, the analysis was conducted by doing a fluid-structure coupled field analysis using both CFX-5.7 and ANSYS 8.1 and also under the design condition of an instantaneous maximum wind velocity of 30.9mㆍs­¹. Three kinds of the width ranged from 30 to 90㎝ were considered in this study. With regard to the detached wind-protecting wall, the structural safety was analyzed under the pressure difference of 1,117 Pa which corresponded to a wind velocity of 50mㆍS­¹ and the analytical results were also compared with theoretical ones. The result showed that there was little difference in the distribution of velocity overall and total pressure on the lateral side according to the width of the attached wind-protecting wall, but greenhouse with wind-protecting widths of 30 to 60㎝ has been reinforced to the extent of about 11% when compared with the case of being without the wall. The result also showed that the detached wind-protecting wall with a main-column interval of 3m was not stable so that it was necessary for the detached wind-protecting wall to be adequately reinforced to secure structural stability. Finally, there was great difference between analytical results and theoretical studies. The difference meant that there was some possibility of including errors when a theoretical study was done in three dimensional structure.