n‐p‐(p+‐n+)‐n AlyGa1−yAs‐GaAs‐InxGa1−xAs quantum‐well laser with p+‐n+ GaAs‐InGaAs tunnel contact on n‐GaAs

Data are presented on the growth, by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, and fabrication of n‐p (n‐up) AlGaAs‐GaAs‐InGaAs quantum‐well heterostructure lasers using a p+‐n+ GaAs‐InGaAs reverse‐biased tunnel junction to contact the n‐type GaAs substrate. The lasers operate continuously at 300 K with a threshold of ∼37 mA for a 10‐μm‐wide native‐oxide‐defined gain‐guided stripe (cavity length ∼375 μm). Comparison tunnel junctions similar to those used in the diode lasers are also fabricated and exhibit low reverse‐biased series resistances (∼2.2 Ω, area ∼4.5×larger).