A Resoure Allocation Framework for Network Slicing with Multi-service Coexistence

Network slicing has been widely recognized as the architectural technology for 5G and beyond wireless network systems to provide tailored service for diverse applications by flexibly splitting and allocating various heterogeneous resources. However, it is still challenging to meet the strict delay requirements of a large number of delay-sensitive applications under traditional slicing architectures. One potential way to tackle this issue is to build network slicing upon Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) systems, where both communication and computing resources are integrated for providing customized service. As such, in this paper, we propose a framework, to jointly optimize communication and computing resources under the scenario of multi-service coexistence, with the objective to minimize the system cost while meeting the diverse QoS requirements. To make the original optimization problem more tractable, we decompose it into two convex sub-problems first. Then we obtain the optimal solutions of the two sub-problems respectively, and finally derive the optimal communication and computing resource allocation scheme based on the optimal solutions of these two sub-problems. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme significantly saves the system cost under various scenarios compared with other benchmarks.