Advances in liquid phase epitaxial growth of Hg1-xCdxTe for SWIR through VLWIR photodiodes

Hg1-XCdXTe photodiode arrays have assumed a critical importance for systems requiring sensitivity in any one of the infrared bands of interest extending from the SWIR 1-3 micrometer band to the VLWIR >14 micrometer band. As arrays have become larger, system requirements more stringent and cutoff wavelengths longer, more pressure has been placed on improving the Liquid Phase Epitaxial (LPE) Hg1-XCdXTe growth technique at BAE Systems. In this paper we will report on improvements made in each critical aspect of LPE growth, covering the entire range of Hg1-XCdXTe compositions required for photodiodes with cut-off wavelengths ranging from 3 to greater than 14 micrometers. Data presented will demonstrate that continual advances in LPE Hg1-XCdXTe growth techniques at BAE Systems promise high infrared system performance meeting SWIR to VLWIR needs.