Expanders from symmetric codes

(MATH) A set <i>S</i> in the vector space <b>FF</b><sub><i>p</i><sup><i>n</i></sup></sub> is "good" if it satisfies the following <i>(almost) equivalent</i> conditions:<ul><li><i>S</i> is an expanding generating set of Abelian group <b>FF</b><sub><i>p</i></sub><sup><i>n</i></sup>.</li><li><i>S</i> are the rows of a generating matrix for a linear distance error-correcting code in <b>FF</b><sub><i>p</i></sub><sup><i>n</i></sup>.</li><li>All (nontrivial) Fourier coefficients of <i>S</i> are bounded by some ε ξ 1 (i.e. the set <i>S</i> is ε-biased). </li></ul>.A good set <i>S</i> must have at least <i>cn</i> vectors (with <i>c</i>ρ1). We study conditions under which <i>S</i> is the orbit of only <i>constant</i> number of vectors, under the action of a finite group <i>G</i> on the coordinates. Such succinctly described sets yield very symmetric codes, and "amplifies" small constant-degree Cayley expanders to exponentially larger ones [19, 2].For the regular action (the coordinates are named by the elements of the group <i>G</i>), we develop representation theoretic conditions on the group <i>G</i> which guarantee the existence (in fact, abundance) of such few expanding orbits. The condition is a (nearly tight) upper bound on the distribution of dimensions of the irreducible representations of <i>G</i>, and is the main technical contribution of this paper. We further show a class of groups for which this condition is implied by the expansion properties of the group <i>G</i> itself! Combining these, we can iterate the amplification process above, and give (near-constant degree) Cayley expanders which are built from Abelian components.For other natural actions, such as of the affine group on a finite field, we give the first <i>explicit</i> construction of such few expanding orbits. In particular, we can completely derandomize the probabilistic construction of expanding generators in [2].

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