Formarsi alla pratica per insegnare: l’esperienza salernitana del laboratorio di Didattica generale e tecnologie didattiche

European educational policies highlight the importance of improving the initial training of future teachers, in order to raise the quality of educational systems and promote the integration of young people into the labor market. In this context, the University has the main task and the statutory responsibility of research for the most appropriate opportunities to train teachers who are able to face these challenges and who possess specific cultural tools. The aim of this paper is to describe the pedagogical-didactic model used to perform the activities of the laboratory of General Didactic and Educational Technology, achieved during the academic year 2015/2016, in the degree program LM85 bis at the University of Salerno, in order to show their teaching effectiveness in terms of students’ active participation as a precondition necessary for the acquisition of cultural, educational and professional skills. The results achieved, in terms of process and product, are encouraging and, in our view, be attributed to the laboratory, as a place for discussion and mediation between teaching and training, as one of the potential solutions to innovate the university teaching and improve the quality of training.