A Modified Two-Phase Well-Control Model and Its Computer Applications as a Training and Educational Tool

This paper presents a modified two-phase well-control model to simulate two-phase kick behavior after comparing a dynamic two-phase well-control model and a single-phase model. The model is reliable and easy to simulate without any of the numerical problems that might occur in a dynamic two-phase model. The simulator calculates gas influx rate from the formation assuming an infinite-acting reservoir. The paper also introduces computer applications for IBM-compatible personal computers for use as a well-control training and educational tool. The simulator has enhanced graphical presentations with random access for all menus and options by use of a computer mouse. The simulator is written in Visual Basic{trademark}3. The simulator can handle vertical wells, directional wells, extended-reach wells, and horizontal wells with two different buildup rates for onshore or offshore wells. The simulator also provides the theoretical kill sheet for any selected well geometry. The simulator is a user-interactive well-control program with an automatic well-control option. It demonstrates the basic concepts of well control and shows the pressure and volume response of the kick with time.