An Intelligent Automatic Story Generation System by Revising Proppian's System

In the artificial intelligence era, there are so many story generators available for generating stories automatically. Story generators adapt either static theme conception or random theme conception procedure to conceive a theme. Similarly, most of the story generators use random sequence of predefined sentences to represent the story. This paper aims to construct a new story generator by revising the existing proppians story generator that generates the story automatically using 31 move functions. But the proppians story generator lacks in conceptual presentation and semantic reasoning. RPG (Revised Proppian story Generator) contains five story move functions and also each generated statement in the story undergoing the process of reasoning in order to check the semantic. Ontology supports this story generation system by providing nouns, related verbs, attributes, themes for generating a simple story. Moreover it helps to preserve the semantic of the story generated. Ontology is a formal explicit specification of shared conceptualization. This intelligent automatic story generation system helps for users to construct new meaningful stories using ontology in an efficient way.