Euripides’ Erechtheus and the Erechtheion
I N AN ARTICLE recently published in this journal, W. M. Calder III argues convincingly that Euripides' Erechtheus was first produced in the City Dionysia in the year 422 B.C.1 Only T. B. L. Webster, as far as I can see, also suggested this date, but he does not give his reasons.2 Calder adduces besides the main argument (a reference in Plutarch, Nicias 9.5) several termini ante, namely Aristophanic comedies dating from 411, and at least one terminus post, the golden Gorgo on the shield of Athena Parthenos, dedicated in 438/7 B.C. With regard to the dating of the play to 422 B.C., Calder thought that Hsome contemporary historical event ... suggested the subject matter of the tragedy to Euripides." In this connection he discussed the date of construction of that building on the Athenian Acropolis which is commonly known to us as the Erechtheion.3 We should like to examine in the first part of this essay the question whether Calder's and Austin's belief concerning the source of inspiration for Erechtheus is likely. In the second part we should like to consider again from a new point of view the representation of an early South-Italiote pelike (PLATES 4 and 5) which has come to light recently in Heraclea. The connection between the story depicted on the vase and Euripides' Erechtheus has been recognized by archaeologists, but we believe that