Research journey towards industrial application of reuse technique

Component-based reuse in mission critical Command and Control system domain was a starting point for a long lasting research collaboration between National University of Singapore (NUS) and ST Electronics Pte. Ltd. (STEE). STEE industrial projects as well as NUS lab studies revealed limitations of conventional architecture-centric, component-based reuse in the area of generic design to unify similarity patterns (e.g., similar classes, components or architectural patterns) commonly found in software. Further research showed that meta-level extensions to conventional techniques could strengthen their generic design capabilities, considerably improving effectiveness of reuse solutions, and increasing productivity gains due to reuse. These experiences led to development of "mixed strategy" approach based on synergistic application of meta-level generative programming technique of XVCL, together with conventional programming techniques. In the paper, we describe university-industry collaboration that proved beneficial for both parties: STEE advanced reuse practice via application of XVCL in several software product line projects. Early inputs from STEE helped NUS team validate and refine XVCL reuse methods, and expand into new research directions. We describe a sequence of projects that led to successful application of XVCL in industrial projects. We describe experiences from those projects and their significance for both industrial practice and understanding principles of flexible software, i.e., software that can be easily changed and adapted to various reuse contexts.

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