Towards Linked Data Internationalization - Realizing theGreek DBpedia

This paper describes the realization of the Greek DBpedia as part of the DBpedia Internationalization proccess. \I18n l- ters" are proposed as pluggable components of the DBpedia Information Extraction Framework, in order to address is- sues concerning covering more knowledge from non-English Wikipedia's and International Resource Identier (IRI) sup- port. Moreover, a new extractor is introduced that uses the Wikipedia Interlanguage Links to connect international DB- pedia's and transitively to the LOD Cloud. Finally, the paper illustrates the rst international project which pro- vides Transparent Content Negotiation (TCN) rules for In- ternational Resource Identier's (IRI's) for de-referencing purposes. This work could serve as a guide not only for other multilingual DBpedias, but for publishing linked data in languages based on non-Latin character sets as well.