As the traditional GEAR protocols are lack of enough topology information of the network, routing void and holes diffusion will be appeared. This paper puts forward advanced GEAHAR routing mechanism, which has taken the information of second-hop nodes into consideration, consequently reducing the probabilities of the occurrence of routing void. Moreover, the article discusses the relationship between the power of wireless transmission and the communication radius, then proposes the AGEAR and AGEAHAR routing mechanism, which will automatically adjust the power of transmission according to the communication distance. Based on the above discussion, the article draws the conclusion that the smaller number of hops does not indicate the lower energy consumption, and proposes that taking the price of communication into account at the time the node choosing its next hop, which further reduce the energy consumption of the entire network and, as a consequence, prolong the life of the network.
Deborah Estrin,et al.
Directed diffusion: a scalable and robust communication paradigm for sensor networks
MobiCom '00.
James Newsome,et al.
GEM: Graph EMbedding for routing and data-centric storage in sensor networks without geographic information
SenSys '03.
Deborah Estrin,et al.
Geographical and Energy Aware Routing: a recursive data dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks
Ian F. Akyildiz,et al.
Sensor Networks
Encyclopedia of GIS.
Deborah Estrin,et al.
Geography-informed energy conservation for Ad Hoc routing
MobiCom '01.
Scott Shenker,et al.
Geographic routing without location information
MobiCom '03.