Les Trois Espèces Du Genre Domecia ( Decapoda, Brachyura ) : D. Hispida Eydoux & Souleyet, D. Glabra Alcock Et D. Acanthophora ( Desbonne & Schramm )

Hitherto, the genus Domecia Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842 was thought to comprise only two species: D. bispida Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842 with a wide pantropical Indo-Pacific and Atlantic distribution, and D. glabra Alcock, 1899, confined to the Indo-West-Pacific. In fact, the name D. hisPida covers two distinct species. One, the true D. hispida, is exclusively Indo-Pacific (from the East African coast to the Pacific coast of America). The other, which was described in 1867 by Desbonne & Schramm under the name of Neleus acanthophorus, is exclusively Atlantic. Certain differences seem to separate the Domecia acanthophora (Desbonne & Schramm) from East America and West Africa: I, therefore, distinguish an American form, D. a, forma acanthophora and an African form, D. a. forma africana.