Unified network management architecture (UNMA)
Summary form only given. The unified network management architecture is a three-tiered approach with a standard machine-to-machine protocol and user-to-machine interface. The five components of the architecture are described. The network management protocol (NMP) is based on CCITT/ISO standards, providing an open architecture. The basis of NMP is the CCITT/ISO OSI seven-layer stack. The protocol stack is generally well defined within the standards bodies. Layers 4 (transport), 5 (session), and 6 (presentation) are final specifications. Within Layer 7 (application), there are numerous sublayers used. ACSE (association control service elements), and FTAM (file transfer access and management) are also final specifications. ROS (remote operations services) and CCR (commitment, concurrency and recovery) are official drafts. CMISE (common management information service elements) is a draft proposal.<<ETX>>