The Elements of Fractional Distillation

THE expression ‘fractional distillation’ inevit-ably recalls the name of Young to the older generation, but his book was written before the days when the art was of industrial significance and viewed the subject almost entirely from the laboratory bench. Of recent years the use of modern and often very complex types of distillation apparatus is growing apace, and though there have been foreign works on the subject, due largely to the fact that the inception of such plant was on the Continent, there was no work available in English for the use of engineers and operators until the first edition in 1920 of this book, of which the third edition is now in our hands.The Elements of Fractional DistillationBy Prof. Clark Shove Robinson Prof. Edwin Richard Gilliland. (International Chemical Series.) Third edition. Pp. xii + 267. (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1939.) 18s.